Users can reach the configuration page from the section shown in the picture. By clicking the button (1) users will go to the screen that is given below.
On that page, users can add absent userusers, alternate assignee assignees and date dates which controls the auto assignee function for the absent users. Let’s assume user Tanya is absent in on dates between 16/05/2022 - 18/05/2020 and as defined before David will take care of her issues which means issues are assignable to David automatically. By the way, by clicking settings button (2) users are able to define Global Manage Permission which is related with the groups.
TOM also has also a JQL function called currentlyOffTime() which shows all the issues which are assigned to the absent user. On the right middle of the page (2), users are able to see the related informations information about the auto-assignment rules and by clicking “Assign “Assign to alternate assignee” assignee” it is possible to assign the issue till the end time is up!
In Project Rules section, users are able to add assignment rules for each project separately.
In Global Rules section, users are able to reach the rules that is defined before from the Manage Apps section.
While adding an assignment rule, users have to choose rule name, assignee, assignment strategy and no assignment scenario. It is also possible to add JQL to the rule.
In Edit Assignment Rule page there are some fields that you need to understand well which are,