Multi Level & Tree Field provides to create Multi Level and Tree custom field and edit the data it contains.
It allows branches of unlimited depth under the newly created options tree. The data that is required to appear in each opened tree is created by following the relevant screens below.
Each option created represents a tree structure in itself.
Options Tree
You should create the topmost item from the Options Tree Configuration to define tree levels. There can be more than one Options Tree. The example below shows the addition of an Options Tree. Children's options can be managed by clicking on the edit button on the right side of each Options Tree.
Managing Sub-Options
There can be many levels of sub-options bound to an Options Tree. It is best to describe the definition of sub-options by example.
Level 1 options can be created by the Create Option button. Each option you will create with this button will be on the first level.
Any option may be restricted to a particular issue type or group.
For the sub-options, use the plus sign next to the relevant parent option that you are willing to create sub-options.
The Multi Level Custom Field
To make use of the Options Tree definitions there is a Custom Field type named Multi Level provided by the plugin that can be used to create Custom Fields and add them to respective screens and workflows.
Mapping Options to a Custom Field
To map an Options Level to the newly created custom field you need to click on "Edit Options Tree Mapping" on the custom field configuration screen.
When mapping the level 1 custom field, the "Connect to top of options tree" option should be selected and, as a Custom Field, you will select your highest level custom field that you created before.
For the child levels, you should select the "Connect as cascading child field" option and then select the Custom Field in which your child options will appear.
The defined custom fields can now be added to issue create/edit screens for use.
Adding Custom Fields to Screens
After the custom field configuration is complete, the fields can be added to screens. As there is a separate custom field for each category level, it is important to place them on the screens in order to achieve correct cascading behavior.
The Tree Custom Field
To make use of the Options Tree definitions there is a Custom Field type named Tree provided by the plugin that can be used to create Custom Fields and add them to respective screens and workflows.
Tree type of custom field can be created as Multi Select or Single Select as your choice.
The Option Path Custom Field
To make use of the Options Tree definitions there is a Custom Field type named Option Path provided by the plugin that can be used to create Custom Fields and add them to respective screens and workflows.
The Option Path type of custom field can be created as Multi Select or Single Select as your choice.
Option Path Customfield view:
Mapping Options to a Custom Field
To map an Options Level to the newly created custom field you need to click on "Edit Options Tree Mapping" on the custom field configuration screen.
When mapping a Tree type of field, you will select the whole Options Tree as a package.
You can select how to show your options on the issue view from the Issue View selection. Value means that only the selected value option will be seen on the issue view. Full Path means that the selected option value will be seen with its parent option values.
Only leaf options are selectable means that selection should be made at the lowest level. In the example below, it should be the third level. If you disable this option, all levels become selectable.
Custom Fields
In the Custom Fields section, all the Multi-Level and Tree type fields are listed. You can configure or clear custom field levels from this section easily.
Option Move
If you want to change the options hierarchy, you need to click on the specific option and use the Move button and select the new parent option. To move an option to the first level, please select None and move.
There is an export option in every Options Tree Configuration. You can export your options as XML.
Also, you can bulk import your options from the Options Tree Configuration home page.