Field Configuration Screen

On this page, all created configurations are listed. You can add, edit or delete configurations from this specific menu.

Apps > Fields Configuration

First, give your configuration a name

The description is the information here for you to remember what the configuration is about and it is optional.

In the Display Context Configuration section, you will select the project(s) and issue type(s) for display issues. 

In the Permission Configuration section, you can restrict view permission to a specific project role or group.

In the Field Source Configuration section, create a source configuration for the field value. In the Edit Field Source Configuration, you need to select a Field Source;

Here, you will select whether the configuration type is going to be sub-task or issue-itself. Issue-itself helps the user to display all fields of an issue's own regardless of the issue type. Upon choosing sub-task, the configuration will be available only for subtasks and it will only display data borrowed from parent tasks. The user can combine these two features and have both the parent-related fields and their own fields in the designed columns.

In the Additional JQL Filter area, you can narrow down related issues that you want to see on your display issue.

Field Source 

How it works

Issue Itself

You can decide where to show fields in the issue itself.

Subtask Issue

You can show subtask's field values on the parent issue. 

Parent Issue

You can show parents' field values on child issues.

Linked Issue

You can show the linked issue's field values on the display issue.

Custom Field

To use the  "Custom Field" field source, you need to select a text field. It brings the relevant fields of the issues you type into the text field.

Issues In Epic

You can show fields of issues in epic on epic.


You can show epic's fields on issues in epic

Issues in Epic Linked as Issue

You can show fields of issues in epic linked as issues.

In the Field Layout Configuration, select the fields to show on the left side or the right side of the issue view. 

JFRE Extended Search

Find JFRE - Extended Search from the Apps drop-down in the page's header.

Any JQL function can be used in the JFRE Extended Search so you can search particular issues and see what are their related issues and also their values.

Excel export is also available. 

You can sort your columns from both Issue Fields and Related Issue Fields

After searching any JQL function, it is possible to save them as a filter and share them with your teammates! If you save any of them, there is also an extra impressive thing, which is our dashboard gadget. It helps users to show their saved filters easily. Just go to any of your dashboards and from the "Add a Gadget" section, write " JFRE - Extended Filter Results "  and click the Add button to use it.

Related Issue Fields Panel

Click on the Related Issue Fields button on the issue to see the Related Issue Fields panel

Related Issues Panel

If you have issues in epic, subtasks or linked issues, Related Issues panel will show you those related issues on a single panel!

There are three tabs that demonstrate Subtasks, Linked Issues and Issues in Epic in different tabs.

You can select different fields on each tab.