Project Role & User Property JQL functions

Project Role & User Property JQL functions


Search by issue assignee that is in a specific project and project role.


issue in assigneesInProjectRole("Project Name" , "Manager") 


issue in assigneesInProjectRole("Project Key" , "Manager") 

finds the issues where the user in the Assignee field is a member of the Manager project role in the specific project. You can search by Project Name or Project Key.



Search by issue creator that is in a specific project and project role.


issue in creatorsInProjectRole("Project Name" , "Tester")


issue in creatorsInProjectRole("Project Key" , "Tester")

finds the issues where the creator is a member of the Tester project role in the specific project. You can search by Project Name or Project Key.



Search by issue reporter that is in a specific project and project role.


issue in reportersInProjectRole("Project Name" , "Developer")


issue in reportersInProjectRole("Project Key" , "Developer")

finds the issues where the user in the Reporter field is a member of the Developer project role in the specific project. You can search by Project Name or Project Key.



Search by any user field in a specific project and project role.


assignee in usersHavingRoleInProject("Project Name" , "Team")

finds all issues assigned to the user who is in the Team project role in the particular project. You can search by Project Name or Project Key.

reporter in usersHavingRoleInProject("Project Key" , "Team")

finds all issues reported by the user who is in the Team project role in the particular project. You can search by Project Name or Project Key.

“Manager“ in usersHavingRoleInProject("Project Key" , "Team")

finds all issues that the Manager field has the user who is in the Team project role in the particular project. You can search by Project Name or Project Key.



Search by any user field that is specific user property defined in their user profile.


assignee in usersHavingProperty("User Property Key")

finds all issues assigned to the user who has a particular user property.

reporter in usersHavingProperty("User Property Key")

finds all issues reported by the user who has a particular user property.

“Manager“ in usersHavingProperty("User Property Key")

finds all issues that the Manager field has the user who has a particular user property.


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