Question Fields Usage
While creating an issue, users may answer the given question, which is written before while configuring the custom field, by simply choosing any answer that the user wants!
After creating an issue with the selected answers, it is possible to view the Question Fields panel in the issue view panel as below. In this panel, we let users view other important information such as who answered the question and when it is answered. Needless to say, there are also warning icons that are going to be displayed if any option is disabled, updated or deleted.
Issue Navigator
While searching the Question Custom Fields, users are able to search the related custom field with the given selectors. (Check the figure below for more information.)
JQL Functions
By using questionnaireDisabledOptions() JQL Function, it is possible to search all the options which are disabled after they had been chosen in an issue.
issue in questionnaireDisabledOptions()
By using questionnaireUpdatedOptions("", "",....) JQL Function, users are again able to search via the options which are updated after it has been selected in an issue. However, the user has to write at least one new option value(updated value of the option) inside the function. On the hand, it is also possible to add option value in the function as many as user want.
issue in questionnaireUpdatedOptions(“option-1“, “option-2“, “…”)
We have also another JQL Function called questionnaireDeletedOptions(). It lets users find out if an option had been deleted after it has been selected in an issue.
issue in questionnaireDeletedOptions()
With questionnaireAnsweredDate("fromDate", "toDate") function, you can search the issues that are answered in a specific time interval.
issue in questionnaireAnsweredDate("fromDate", "toDate")
issue in questionnaireAnsweredDate(“2022-01-01“, “2022-02-01“)
issue in questionnaireAnsweredDate(“-2w“, “-2d“)
Lastly, you can search for issues that are answered by a specific user using questionnaireAnsweredBy("username").
issue in questionnaireAnsweredBy("username")
Here is another nice feature. Users are able to use the Two Dimensional Filter Statistics
gadget in their Dashboards with the Question Custom Fields.
Customer Portal
Question Fields are also supported by Service Management Projects! You can use Question Fields on the Customer portal.