JFRE Cloud Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

JFRE Cloud Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What field relations are supported by the plugin?

    Jira Fields and Reports Extension provides displaying custom-field values within related issues such as subtask, parent issue, linked issue. 

    For instance, you can show your SLA fields in a software project issue or display your parent issue fields in subtasks.

  2. What custom field types are supported?

    All custom-field types that come in a fresh JIRA installation are supported. If you have trouble displaying a custom-field value, don't hesitate to contact us.

  3. The plugin looks interesting but I can't see how the app can be used efficiently, any example scenario, please?

    The idea for this plugin came to our minds while we were working for a customer, actually. What they had were many subtask types to be performed by different teams, and the #1 complaint from the teams was that they could not find information to work on in the subtask. (Well, they did not want to click on the parent issue link, either.) So Jira Fields and Reports Extension emerged as a tool to counter such daily struggles in project management. An example scenario might be a project that delegates issues often and has trouble transferring data between tasks and their related subtasks, Jira Fields and Reports Extension can shine in such a process&configuration need. Also, you can find some use cases here.

  4. I really like the plugin idea, but my needs are somewhat different. Can you help?

    If the application's current strength is insufficient for your case, you can always contact us so we might aim to solve your specific needs.

  5. I would like to try Jira Fields and Reports Extension in our JIRA. Can you send me a trial license?

    You can obtain an evaluation license directly from Atlassian. Visit Jira Fields and Reports Extension's Marketplace page and click on "Try it free".