hasAttachments() 🔎
Search for issues that include any type of attachment.
issue in hasAttachment("query")
finds the issues that include any type of attachment.
hasAttachmentsAfter() 🔎
issue in hasAttachmentAfter("query", "-6d")
finds the issues that added any attachments within dates from the number of days you specify to the present.
hasAttachmentsBefore() 🔎
issue in hasAttachmentBefore("query", "-3w")
finds the issues that added any attachments before the given day.
hasAttachmentsBy() 🔎
Search for issues that include any type of attachments that are added by a particular user.
issue in hasAttachmentBy("query", "username")
finds the issues that include any type of attachments that are added by a specific user.
attachmentsCountEquals() 🔎
Search for issues according to the number of attachments.
issue in attachmentCountEquals("query", "2")
finds the issues with 2 attachments.
attachmentsCountMoreThan() 🔎
Search for issues according to the number of attachments.
issue in attachmentCountMoreThan("query", "1")
finds the issues that have more than one attachment.
attachmentsCountLessThan() 🔎
Search for issues according to the number of attachments.
issue in attachmentCountLessThan("query", "3")
finds the issues that have less than three attachments.
attachedDate() 🔎
Search for issues according to the date added attachments.
issue in attachedDate("query", "2023-05-10")
finds the issues that are attached on a specific date.