GO! JQL Cloud Usage

GO! JQL Cloud Usage

  1. Click the GO! JQL : Essential JQL Functions button from the Apps tab.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 17.41.29.png
  1. Type in the desired JQL statement and hit Search.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 17.42.29.png


 The custom field names will differ based on the custom field definitions in your particular Jira installations. ("Approvers Group" in the example)

 Some functions also have an alias, you can use either function name for your searches.



Searching in Issue Navigator is limited for Cloud due to precomputation. Synchronization is required for the latest data.

GO JQL will sync the data every hour to display the last updated data in the search. You can also manually sync data:

Click on the Recently Used JQL Functions form the Extended Search.

Then you will see a sync button next to the JQL functions.

In this example above, it will sync the groups informations of the user.

Now you can use the specific functions listed below in the Issue Navigator!

JQL Functions:


JQL Functions that are available for Issue Navigator:

Groups JQL functions Cloud | userGroups() / groupsOfUser()

Quarter JQL functions Cloud | startOfQuarter()

Quarter JQL functions Cloud | endOfQuarter()

Limited Results JQL function Cloud | limitedResults()

Project Role JQL functions Cloud | assigneesInProjectRole()

Project Role JQL functions Cloud | creatorsInProjectRole()

Project Role JQL functions Cloud | reportersInProjectRole()

Project Role JQL functions Cloud | usersHavingRoleInProject()

Subtask Count JQL functions Cloud

Linked Issues functions Cloud

Attachment JQL functions Cloud


** You can find the sign next to JQL functions that are available in Issue Navigator.